Ingredient Spotlight: Water?

Feb 20, 2024

Ingredient Spotlight: Water?

Many hair and beauty products use plain water as a reactive in their formulations. Not us! All of our plant-based formulations use a highly specialized proprietary product called Structured Vitamin Water Concentrate or SVWC for short. Not only does SVWC play a key role as a reactive agent in our formulations, it also increases the life of our products.

So, what exactly is SVWC?


Was formulated to support products that are green oriented. SVWC is considered a reagent / reactive component in a formulation and has proven to perform well as a shelf-life extender and PH balancer. To develop this product in-house, we were working with a Midwest scientist who is on the cutting edge of alternative product development and shares our mission statement goals. We’ve worked together to produce a product that has been tested with high spoilage products such as aloe vera, botanical water extracts and milk as well as base oils used in creams. The product is created using a unique proprietary methodology of vitamin enhancement. We are all aware of the value and subtle benefits of essential oils and flower remedies.

Our formulation process is based on an even finer level involving light and vibration energy derived from the plant and mineral kingdom. Specifically, our product is a labor-intensive production model using a combination of subtle but powerful energy infusions derived from plant sourced vitamin extracts and minerals in a base of distilled water resulting in a near neutral unscented base inactive concentrate that is capable of enhancing active ingredients with a by-product of shelf life extension. The PH of the product ranges from 2 to 3.5 and the total measurable ppm ranges from 12 to 20.

The plant-based medium we use to generate the energy protocol portion of our formula is made from beet root juice, blueberry, kham thai seed and black currant. We have completed many in-house tests including heat age testing with organic milk that usually spoils within 3 or 4 days un-refrigerated and found the milk remained unspoiled up to 10 to 12 days. We also tested un-preserved creams that had previously spoiled within 1 month un-refrigerated which now lasts up to 2 1/4 years via aging ovens. Using a 15:1 end product ratio, the cream lasted for 2 years and 4 months with no signs of deterioration except for the base oils, which started to become rancid after 1 ó years. The 10:1 ratio lasted 3 years. Formerly the unpreserved base oils used in the creams at room temperature would last only 1 year before becoming rancid so the effect on oils in the end product was significant as well. NOTE: Rancid oils (organic or not) can be just as toxic as chemicals.

Another test we performed was a water extract of flax seed. Normally this water extract will only last a few days at room temperature and then spoil. Our “treated” extract was created September 15th, 2006 and was still unspoiled until October, 2007. The final test was with our supplier of Aloe powder. Their powder when combined with water lasts only 2 to 3 days before spoiling. The tests were simultaneously performed using aging ovens on the vendors side and ours as well. We both started and completed testing at the same time using 10:1 and 15:1 ratios. At the 2 3/4 year mark, the vendor ended their test with positive results. We left ours going for another 3 months and then the product started to spoil. Note that this product is a reagent and has been successfully tested with several products including organic facial creams (aloe, shear butter and beeswax based), styling gels, shampoos, conditioners, facial toners, serums, cleansers, shower gels, personal lubricants, etc.; however, we cannot predict how it will react with the hundreds of thousands of product variations on the market.

Disclaimer: This product is not considered a preservative, however, our internal tests have proven to be very effective in extending the shelf life of volatile products such as 100% certified organic aloe, organic milk, plant sourced kosher/vegan xanthan gum, facial creams, 95% organic water/oil based serums, certified organic herbal water extracts, certified organic corn syrup, etc., Test results may vary depending on the ingredients used in each formula

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